Quality Assuredness

A minimum of three weeks before the scheduled harvest date the field Commodity Manager inspects the field for quality, maturity and health.
Seven days before harvest the Leafy Greens Inspector assesses each field for unusual events, animal encroachment and environmental factors. Recent water tests are reviewed. Any issues are immediately reported and resolved.
As the field nears harvesting time the Field Commodity Manager checks the field 3 to 4 times a week until the field has reached optimum maturity.
Quality Control Inspectors inspect and rate harvesting crews daily. Any issues or out of spec occurrences are immediately reported to the Production Manager. Any out of spec product is rechecked a maximum of two hours after the problem has been reported to ensure resolution. Quality ratings are compiled daily and posted for review and further action.
QC’s inspect fresh product daily as it is brought into the coolers. They perform daily temperature checks on product to ensure peak freshness, checking pack and product quality.